Sunday, April 13, 2008

You were warned...

Mr. Tumnus has run away. If you're not sure what I'm talking about see my post titled "Ninjas with burnt thumbs". Having never (intentionally) trained a cat in the art of Ninjitsu I can't really comment on the effects this might have on the world at large. But you should know that Mr. Tumnus was very attentive. He never actually made off with my thumb, but not because he didn't try. You should also know that he is a master of pretending to be cute. A ninjas best weapon is the weapon of surprise. Keep this in mind next time you approach a seemingly helpless black cat with a little white tuft of fur on his chest, especially if he appears to be hungry or in other such dire need.

So if you run across a cat that resembles him, here is how you can expose him and hopefully save you and your family's life. Do not approach him, but stay back. Point your finger at the cat and say as loud as you can: "HEY!! YOU'RE THAT NINJA CAT AREN'T YOU?! WELL YOU DON'T FOOL ME!! I WON'T LET YOU KILL ME OR MY FAMILY! I KNOW ALL ABOUT YOU!! NOW STOP FOLLOWING ME!!"

Remember, you must scream this so that others around can hear you! Thereby warning them as well. Now, this will only confuse him for just a moment, as he will curse my name for blowing his cover. This is your chance to run. And run you must! Also, if you scream while running, it may further confuse him. The key is to be as loud as possible, as we Ninjas enjoy silence...unless we're shaking our groove thing at the local club with the local Ninja honeys.....

oh! Time fer more meds!

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